Wednesday, August 09, 2006

"[I]t's either like playing a video game, flying a remote-controlled plane, or doing data entry"

Slate explains how to fly a UAV (current term in the MSM: "drone"), here.
The U.S. Army's drone of choice, the Raven, is a 3-foot-long, camera-equipped miniplane that's "launched" when a soldier winds up and throws it. Once in the air, the Raven is controlled by a book-sized console that looks something like a 1980s-era Coleco football game. The screen at the top displays one of the drone's three video feeds, and the joysticks and buttons at the bottom pilot the craft. Operators can use the sticks to pilot the Raven like a model plane or just preprogram GPS coordinates for the drone to follow. There's even a button that automatically returns the Raven to its launch site.
And more on Predator and Global Hawk sized planes.


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